Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Friday, March 30, 2012

Film Noir - Evaluation Notes

Evaluation Notes

Friday, March 16, 2012

Film Noir - First edit

Below is the 1st draft of our Film Noir production. After showing the first draft to the class, we received audience feedback which was very useful, and because of this audience feedback we are going to change and add several things;
- take away the speech from the opening scene and replace with a voiceover which i need to acquire. 
- add in Film Noir styled music to the opening
- add a title sequence when the detectives are walking down the street
- add a sound effect of a gunshot when the gun is fired
- take away the audio from the final shot so footsteps can't be heard

Film Noir - My contribution to the Main task

My contribution to our Film Noir 'The Allie between is listed below:

Pre Production:
  • Completed the RECCE
  • Acquired Props with other members of the group.
  • Created the character information
  • Created the shot list
  • Edited with second script with somebody else within the group.
  • Film Noir research into costume and hair
  • Came up with the final idea of where to film.
Production (Filming):
  • Lighted in the Filming process
  • Directed it with somebody else

Post Production:
  • Edited the first draft production.
  • Got a member of my family to do the voiceover.
  • Edited the second draft production.
  • Acquired the gun shot sound

Diary Entry - 4

I have now completed our first edit of our Film Noir opening, we recieved some feedback after showing it to the class, and some of the suggestions we recieved were to:

  • Brighten up darker scenes
  • Use a voice over at the starting chat scene, instead of the diagetic sounds.
  • Use titles when the two characters are walking down the street (As this takes a while) and the use of titles should keep it interesting.
We have decided to take all of these suggestions into account, and try to incorporate all of them into our second, or final draft of our Film Noir.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Film Noir - Research into costume and Hair

Research into Femme Fatal hairstyles
From these pictures we can see that the classic Femme Fatale always seem to have curly hair. This seems to be typical conventions of the Femme Fatale females in Film Noir films. Without Femme Fatale we will try to get them to style their hair like this so we can fit with typical conventions, helping to make it look more like a Film Noir.

Film Noir Detectives
From these pictures above we can see the the typical conventional Men in Film Noir generally wear the black hat, with a shirt tie and suit. Meaning they are well dressed. We will try our best to follow this dress scheme to try and fit to the typical Film Noir conventions as much as possible.

Film Noir - Final Script

Film Noir - Script - Final
This is the final script for our Film Noir production.

Film Noir - Characters Information + Contact details

Actor Contact Details

Film Noir - Props and Costumes

Within our production we had to use several props. As our Villain within the Film Noir kills one of our characters (Detective Miles) we need something that he kills him with. And we chose to use a pistol. The pistol we are using within the Film Noir is similar to the pictures below:

Also within our film we decided to have the characters wearing the black hats. As this is a typical Film Noir convention. The hat can be seen in the picture below.

Femme Fatal's in Film Noir's are presented to have curly blonde hair and look very glamerous. We asked our Femme Fatal to try and fulfil these representations as best as she can so we can fit to the typical conventions of a Femme Fatal as best as possible.

Film Noir - Pre Production - Production Schedule

Production Schedule

Monday, March 5, 2012

Film Noir - Diary Entry 3

We have now successfully filmed for our Film Noir. We filmed on Saturday and i am writing this on the 5th march which is the Monday after.

On the most part filming was successful and went well. Rain was forecasted for the evening on the Saturday, and this would not have been good as we were planning on filming outside. But luckily it did not rain so we could film outside.

Now we have filmed we need to start the editing process to link all the clips together.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Film Noir - StoryBoard

Here is the storyboard for our Film Noir production. It was produce and drawn by one of our team members Ryan Denney.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Film Noir - Pre Production - Recce Photo's

Below are some pictures i just recently took for our Recce. 
The images show inside the house, which is where it will start. Some of the pictures will then show the street that the two detectives walk through. And finally there is some pictures of the Alley way where it finishes.

The first few images show the room where Detective Dixon and Detective Miles will have their conversation at the start. Currently in the images the room looks modern, but we will try our best to make it old fashioned.

Film Noir - Pre Production - Risk assessment Pictures

The two pictures below show the completed risk assessment for our Film Noir opening.

Film Noir - Diary entry 2

Diary Entry 2

We have planned our filming date to be the 01 March 2012. This is a suitable date for us all as we are all be able to make it for filming, as well as the actors.

We have our location all sorted to film on, and this is just up for road from me, along my friends road. The filming is situated in one room of his house, and then the hallway. It then goes on to be filmed outside on the street and finally finishing down an alley way.


Film Noir - Pre Production - Research

Film Noir Research Into Costume and Hair Style

Film Noir - Pre Production -

Shot list

Film Noir - Pre Production - Character Bio's

Character Bio's

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Main Task - Diary Entry

We know have nearly everything completed towards out pre production, the current things we have completed at this moment in time are:

- Storyboard
- Production Scheldule
- Shot List
- Scripts (Drafts 1 and 2)
- Character Bio's
- Research into Film Noir characters, Hair styles of Femme Fatal's, what men wear etc.

We also have the kit we need booked out, we have a lighting kit and Camera HD1 and Camera HD 2 booked out for the weekend of March 2nd 2012 till March 5 2012. This is the time in which we plan to film our Film Noir.

Main Task - Production - Lighting Workshop.


One Light ONLY to light every single scene in the Film Noir.

What is Lighting?

All video has some sort of lughting. Whether it be natural light or artificial light. The goal is to choose the best lighting to suppoer the clip.

Lights on roof = Top Lighting

Film Noir's must have shadows everywhere.

When looking at a location, have to make sure the lighting gives it the right mood.

Always identify the source of light first.

- Never plug the lighting kit into a plug without a surge protector.
- Change the bulb.
- Never shake the red head.


Rule 1 - Work the light at your working height level.
Rule 2 - Powerlead has to hang down.
Rule 3 - Make sure that the barndoor is level with the leg.
Rule 4 - Never use lights outside.
Rule 5 - Before you plug in surge protector, press yellow, red, yellow.

As lights are about to turn on, go on to say "Dont look into the lights please".

The red head needs to be atleast 1 meter from the top of any room.

Your ready to put the kit away if you can put your hand on the redhead for atleast 5 seconds.

3 Point Lighting

Uses 3 lights:
- Key Light - Strongest, most influence on the scene.
- Fill Light
- Back Light

Fill Light

Placed opposite side of Key Light

Back Light

Places behind the character, but to the side so not directly in shot.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Main Task - Production - Plot

Plot of Film Noir opening


Detective – Dixon (Detective Dixon)
Assistant Detective – Miles (Detective Miles)
Femme Fatale (Glamorous Girl) – Lola
Villain – Bruno


Detective Dixon and Miles are working on a series of murder cases that are all linked to the infamous “Bruno”. No matter how hard they try, whenever they get close to finding evidence against the murderer he always seems to slip away. It could be coincidence or just the criminal mind overpowering the detective’s skills. The truth of the murders is closer than he imagines and is right under his nose without realising.
Dixon follows Miles on a bleak night to distant alleyway. Miles meets a shadowy figure – the criminal, Bruno. Muffled words are all that the detective can hear from the conversation, without warning a gunshot is heard and all that is left is Miles’ body left to die. Dixon runs towards Miles’ body. As he reaches for his body to comfort his fallen detective, a glamorous femme fatale appear from the darkness because the beckoning gunshot drew her towards her fallen fiancĂ©.
Mile’s dying words share his loves for his fiancĂ© and the recognition of his caring detective Dixon. His final last words are “I’m so sorry Dixon, I’ve let you down.” This perplexes Dixon, leaving him and Miles’ fiancĂ© wondering what his late detective meant by this.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Target Audience Research

My Questionaire i gave out to people to fill in:

Film Noir Questionnaire

Age ranges of people who are interested in Film Noir's

Target Audience Conclusion

From this graph we can clearly see the results from the amount of people who are itnerested in Film Noir's for differnt age groups. We can see that the further along the x axis, the older the group of people are.

From these results we can come to the conclusion that it is generally shown that the higher the age group, the more people are interested in Film Noir. This could be down to many reasons, one reason being that the older generation are probably more interested in the Film Noir Genre because it is more suited to them and can relate to them more, simply because they have lived and breathed in the days which this Genre is set and based around.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Similar Products - Ananlysis of 3 Film Noir Posters

Ananlysis of 3 Film Noir Posters

From these posters we can see that there is a glamerous looking female in every single one. A glamerous looking female is stereotypically used in the posters as it is very eye catching. This means the public will be able to notice this poster very easily. This therefore means more people looking at it, which in turn could mean more people will go to watch the film.

Also two out of the three colours use a lot of colour even though the actual film is in black and white. This is mainly done for the reason to catch the public's eye as when colour is used it looks much more attractice. The only downside to using colour when these posters were published and created was the cost.

Also in all of the posters, very bold text is used. This is to give the effect of the importance of the film poster and of course the film it is advertising. Bold, large text is also used to display what the film is about and to catch the public's eye with striking text fonts and styles.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Similar Products - Ananlysis of 3 Film Noir openings

Ananlysis of three Film Noir film openings

Film One - Touch of evil, Universal, 1958
  • Scrolling text at beginning
  • Opening Titles
  • Mystery Occuring, the person putting something into their boot.
  • Music coming from the car.
  • Long shots
  • Mid Shots
  • Close ups are used so we can only see a small region, creating tension as we cannot see what is happening around them or in the background.
Conventions of this Film Noir Opening scene that i would like to use in my own film:

When i make my own Film Noir, i would like to use some of the conventions that were used in this opening scene because they create very good suspense and tension and keep the viewer very involved, entertained and interested in it.

I would personally like to use all of the differnt shots in my film, like they are used in this opening scene. This is because the long shots are fit for purpose, as well as the many other shots that are used.

I will also put titles in at the start of my Film Noir, like it was used in this film. This is because titles are one of the conventions in a film of Film Noir.

Film Two - The Suspect, Charles Laughton, 1944

  • Opening Titles
  • Opening Music
  • Variety of Camera shots to create effect
  • Long shots
  • Mid Shots
  • Close ups
  • Close ups and extreme close ups used to show emotions etc.
Conventions of this Film Noir Opening scene that i would like to use in my own film:

Many of the conventions that are used in this opening scene are conventions that i would personally like to use my self. As i said for the first opening scene of the first film, i would like to encorporate titles at the start as this is stereotypical to the Film Noir Genre. I would also like to have some kind of music at the start to create the effect of a Film Noir film.

I would once again like to use the variety of the camera shots that are used for differnt affects i may want to reach. And typically use extreme close-ups and close ups to show things such as the emotions on characters faces etc.

Film Three - Blues in the Night, 1941

  • Stererotypical convention of film noir - It contains titles at the start as such every other opening i have watched.
  • Jazz music which creates a strong vibe and creates excitement at the start.
  • Interesting Camera angles and shots.
  • Dull harsh lighting is used throughout which is also another convention of Film Noir's
  • Smartly dressed people - Shirts, Ties, Jackets
  • Cigars and Cigarettes
Conventions of this Film Noir Opening scene that i would like to use in my own film:When i create my Film Noir opening i will want to use all of these conventions listed above from this film opening. I want to use titles as they are in every single Film Noir opening are are a sterotype of Film Noir's. I also want to implementate some kind of Jazzy music to go over the top of the title's to keep it interesting and keep the audience hooked in.

Another convention of Film Noir films are the use of interesting camera angles and shots, and this is present in this film opening. I want to use this convention as it yet again keeps the audience involved and interested and keep the film entertaining.

Also harsh lighting is used throughout, which is another convention of Film Noir films that i wish to use and implementate in mine, this is because it creates a good effect and creates sillioutes and shadows on the walls.

Also in Film Noir film's people are generally smartly dressed, and this is the case in this Film opening. I would like the characters in my film to wear the black hats, and dress smart, such as wearing ties and shirts etc. I also want the ladies to look glamerous with old fashioned style hair as this is also a convention of Film Noir films for the ladies to look glamerous.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Film Noir - Similar Products - List of Movies, 5 Plots

List of Film Noir Movies

  • The Maltese Falcon
  • Double Indemnity
  • Laura
  • Detour
  • The Big Sleep
  • The Killers
  • Out of the Past
  • Pickup on South Street
  • The Big Heat
  • Sweet Smell of Success

Plot of 5 Film Noir's

The Maltese Falcon

The story starts with the murder of Spade’s partner Miles Archer. Although he never really liked him, Spade is honor bound by his personal code of ethics to track down his killers.  Along the way he will get involved with the sultry Miss Wanderly and a group of criminals who seek a gold-encrusted falcon sculpture known as the Maltese Falcon.  As Spade gets closer and closer to discovering the identity of his partner’s killer, he gets more and more involved with the search for the priceless statue.


It follows detective Mark McPherson as he investigates the death of famous advertising executive Laura Hunt.  Suspects include the venomous newspaper columnist Waldo Lydecker, the man who promoted Laura at the start of her career, her fiancĂ© Shelby Carpenter, her rich aunt Ann Treadwell, and her housekeeper Bessie Clary. As he begins to interview them, he begins to realize that every one of them was in love with Laura.  Even stranger, he discovers that he is beginning to fall in love with her as well, at least until Laura shows up alive one night at her front door. 


Sweet Smell of Success

It follows Sidney Falco, a press agent without the burdens of morality.  He is hired by J.J. Hunsecker, New York’s premier newspaper columnist, to stop his sister from marrying Steve Dallas, a fresh, young jazz guitarist.  So, Sidney plants some reefer on him and spreads rumors that he is a Communist.  Things work at first and the relationship is destroyed.
But that isn’t the end for Sidney- he is summoned to Hunsecker’s penthouse only to find the sister attempting suicide. Hunsecker walks in on Sidney saving her and accuses him of rape.  From there, fates are decided and lives are destroyed as the truth comes out.

The Killers

We learn that the Swede (played by Burt Lancaster) used to be a member of a gang of thieves whom he was pushed into betraying by femme fatale Kitty Collins Colfax (played by Ava Gardner).  Like so many film noir characters, the Swede is fully aware of his transgressions and knows that he cannot escape his fate.  And so he greets his punishment like a man instead of trying to escape from it, as so many other film noir characters would.  We then follow an investigator and a police detective as they struggle to track down his killers and bring them to justice.

The Big Heat

It all starts with the death of a police sergeant.  The detective assigned to the case, Dave Bannion, thinks that foul play may be involved.  Bannion has reason to believe that a powerful gang of criminals has infiltrated the police force and bumped the sergeant off.  But the department’s higher ups force the case closed and one of the only witnesses willing to provide information is murdered.  Enraged, he insults the suspected mob boss only to have his wife killed with a car bomb as a result.  This puts him on a war path of furious vengeance as he swears to take the culprits down.


(Wednesday, July 7 2010) (Monday, January 9 2012)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Film Noir - Similar Products - Conventions of Film Noir


There are 5 main sectors within the conventions of Film Noir, are these sectors are:

- Costume
- Characters/Actors
- Location
- Camera Angles and Shots
- Lighting

There are many differnt conventions of film noir, one of the main and easily noticable conventions is the fact that it is in black and white.

Costume in Film Noir is a very important factor of the end product, as it is in any other type of film it plays a big role. Costume in Film Noir is used to represent the differnt types of characters and how they act, it also helps to define the characters within Film Noir, one example is the Male actors tend to wear a hate and a coat and most of them smoke a large Cigar. 

Also in Film Noir the female characters are usually wearing glamourous clothing and they are also stereotypically very attractive. This is Stereotypical in Film Noir films as it makes the female character stand out, also in the film posters they tend to stand out because of how Glamarous and attractice they are.

Film Noir films are also stereptypically very dull with harsh and dim lighting. This is to reach the desired effect on the film so it can be portrayed to the audience. In each scene there will be very little lighting, but with the little lighting there is it should be used to show the most important parts of the scene, so that the audience can see the important aspects and what is going on. You can see in the picture below the use of Dull lighting to create effect.


 The camera work in Film Noir usually used very strange and interesting camera angles. Some other angles they also use is Dutch tilts, high angles, low angles and wide angle shots. Sometimes interesting camera shots are used in conjunction with the lighting to create strange affects, such as silhouettes on the walls behind people. This creates a sense of mystery to the audience and keeps they well interested.

Stereotypically the location of Film Noir is usually set in a city. Within a city very interesting camera shots can be found and used, which helps to keep the film interesting. Usually in Film Noir's there is Crime and Corruption which is almost always present in big city's and not the type of thing you would see to happen in the country side, this is why they are set in the big cities.

Film Noir - Similar Products - Definition

Definition of Film Noir

Film Noir is French for the words Black Cinema, Film Noir was first founded during the post war years becuase of a select amount of hollywood films which included an amount of darkness and cynicism that had never been seen before.

Most of the Film Noirs are based around the sub genres of Sex, Crime and Corruption.

It is also a movie characterized by low-key lighting, a bleak urban setting, and corrupt, cynical characters.